


发布单位: 更新时间:2018/03/22 13:17:22 访问量:



   创科旗下强劲品牌及产品历史悠久广为世界各地消费者所认同。公司所有雇员追求创新的热忱及拥有强大的客户伙伴,使我们能够不断地向客户提供合格并具有生产力的崭新产品。这份专注与动力,使我们处于市场的领先地位,业绩持续增长。集团成立于1985年,1990年在香港上市,拥有领先的品牌组合,客户遍及世界各地,至2016年为止,全球雇员人数超越22000人, 2016年销售总额达54.8亿美元。



TTI is a world-class leader in design, manufacturing and marketing of power tools, outdoor power equipment and floor care for consumers, professional and industries. Our unrelenting strategic focus on powerful brands, Innovative products, Operational Excellence and Exceptional People drives our culture.

Our brands and products are recognized worldwide for their deep heritage, superior quality, and outstanding performance compelling innovation. Through a company-wide commitment to innovation and strong customer partnerships, we consistently deliver new products that a powerful platform for sustainable leadership and strong growth.

Founded in 1985 in Hong Kong, TTI has a portfolio of industry leading brands, a worldwide customer reach, and over 22,000 staff. TTI is listed on the stock Exchange of Hong Kong and in 2016 had worldwide sales of US$5.4billion..




Mechanical Assistant Engineer 4


Key Responsibilities

1.       Draft Mechanical design, review, CAD 2d drawing build , ECR/ECR submit;

2.       Benchmark test and analysis and study ;

3.       Performance test, verification and validation

4.       Engineer document : SER/ECO/SIR etc ;

5.       Cooperate with engineer and project leader to provide draft cost reduction proposal

6.       Production support for product and quality improvements;

7.       Follow up prototype and engineer sample build / test

8.       Other temporary work follow up ;


Person Specifications

·             College degree or above Mechanical integration or related fields

·             It is better have experience in product mechanical design, test etc

·             Can work with CAD, Pro/E or UG or Solid Work, preferable UG

·             Can read English email and document

·             Good communication, listening and interpersonal skills






·           公司为应届毕业生提供具有竞争力的薪酬

·           58小时工作制,年底双薪,五险一金

·           提供国家法律规定的所有法定假期、有薪年假、婚假、产假、陪产假等

·           连续工作满3年后,对于工作表现出色及业绩突出者,公司可提供免息房贷及住房补贴

·           连续工作满2年后,对于工作表现出色及业绩突出者,公司可提供4-10个月不等的留才津贴

·           提供培训、晋升及海外交流学习机会

·           提供免费住宿,宿舍配有空调、数字电视、热水器等,提供免费员工标准餐

·           厂内设有医务室,免费提供各项基本的医疗服务




·           雇员餐厅提供川湘粤等南北各种风味菜系,包括面食、套餐、小炒、蒸菜、茶餐厅等口味任您选择;

·           每月或节假日工业园区内放映最新电影大片;

·           定期组织各种娱乐活动,如生日晚会、单身俱乐部、舞蹈协会、模特协会、摄影协会、十佳歌手、太极拳培训、各种球类竞赛等;

·           公司内设有娱乐室、篮球场、乒乓球场、羽毛球场、图书馆、TTI休闲公园等各种娱乐设施。




公司地址: 东莞市厚街工业城创科路1TTI创科亚太工业园

集团网站: www.tticareer.com

电话:0769-82722072 转招聘部 潘小姐
